Communication and Media Survey


Murweh Shire Council has teamed up with The University of Southern Queensland to improve our communication with the community during major events in light of the recent floods.

According to Mayor Shaun ‘Zoro’ Radnedge, “we have recently had several different disasters within our community including Christmas Day storms, power outages, and the recent flood event and it has once again highlighted one of the Murweh Shire’s main objectives which is to keep the community informed with the information that is needed.”

Research lead, Dr. Ashley Jones of the University of Southern Queensland reminds us that “we always need to review our processes and know how people are communicating. We have so many different tools available to us today.  It is not just one but many ways we connect”.

With the recent floods affecting the community, this is a good time to check in and learn how we can improve on our current communication methods.

“Whether it’s day-to-day business of Council, or community events in towns, or alerts that the community need to be made aware of, we want to understand how residents would like this information shared, and this survey is an opportunity for the community to have their say,” quoted Mayor Shaun ‘Zoro’ Radnedge.

Dr. Jones states that the data will inform future communication methods during major events, like the flood. It will also inform future plans for general communication within the community.

“We need as many people as possible to complete the short, online survey. It is anonymous and will take a few minutes to complete,” quoted Dr Jones.

Dr. Jones further explains “there is a section for those who belong to community groups and take the lead in one or more groups. This is aimed at finding out what groups use to communicate.”

We currently share information through various media services and social media platforms, and it’s important to know what residents are currently utilizing today to source their information during major events so we can update our current communication tactics.

Residents are encourage to scan the QR code and anonymously complete the short survey. For those who cannot access QR codes, here is the link:

Survey QR Code