Part 6 - Zones

Part 6  Zones

  1. Preliminary
  2. Zone Codes

6.1  Preliminary

  1. Zones organise the planning scheme area in a way that facilitates the location of preferred or acceptable land uses.
  2. Zones are mapped and included in Schedule 2.
  3. The categories of development and assessment for development in a zone are in Part 5.
  4. A precinct may be identified for part of a zone.
  5. Precinct provisions are contained in the zone code. 
  6. Each zone code identifies the following:
    1. the purpose of the code
    2. the overall outcomes that achieve the purpose of the code
    3. the performance outcomes that achieve the overall outcomes and the purpose of the code
    4. the acceptable outcomes that achieve the performance and overall outcomes and the purpose of the code
    5. the performance and acceptable outcomes for the precinct.
  7. The following are the zone codes for the planning scheme:
    1. Recreation and open space zone code
    2. Rural zone code
    3. Rural residential zone code
    4. Township zone code, including:
      1. Commercial precinct
      2. Industrial precinct
      3. Residential precinct.

Note—The lessee shall use leased land for residential purposes namely rural residential purposes and for purposed incidental thereto.

6.2  Zones Codes

6.2.1 Recreation and open space zone code

This code applies to development where the code is identified as applicable in a table of assessment. Purpose

The purpose of the recreation and open space zone code is to:

  1. protect the areas within the Shire with the most significant ecological and landscape values including state forests, national parks, significant habitat, wetlands and waterways,  wildlife corridors, timber reserves, regional parks and areas of high scenic amenity; 
  2. maintain public accessibility to publicly-owned open space consistent with the protection of the environmental values of the area; 
  3. provide recreation opportunities that are compatible and sustainable with the environmental values of the land; and 
  4. ensure that buildings, structures and other developments are sympathetic to, and integrated with, the environment and values of the land.

The purpose of the code will be achieved through the following outcomes:

  1. where possible, development contributes to  the provision of facilities for active sport and recreation to meet community needs, including playing fields, equestrian facilities, outdoor cultural facilities, educational activities, and outdoor courts; and
  2. structures ancillary to outdoor sport and recreation uses, such as clubhouses, shelters, amenity facilities, may be provided where appropriate; and
  3. development protects and enhances matters of state and local environmental significance, landscape values and ecological connectivity. Assessment benchmarks: Recreation and open space zone code:

Performance outcomes Acceptable outcomes
For assessable development


Buildings and other works are consistent with the scale of buildings in the area and do not adversely impact on the visual amenity of the area. 


A building or other structure does not exceed 2 storey and 8.5 m in height.


The extent of built form and site cover is minimised to maintain the open space character, amenity and utility of land in the zone.
Development has a maximum total site cover of 10% with any single building or structure not exceeding 1,000m2 site cover.


Development is compatible with the environmental, open space and recreation values of the zone (including important protected areas of ecological significance).


No Acceptable Outcome provided.


There are no significant adverse impacts on amenity, public health or safety resulting from:

  1. the siting, scale and design of buildings or other works;
  2. waste water disposal;
  3. permanent or temporary occupation of or access to areas subject to natural hazards.


No Acceptable Outcome provided.

6.2.2 Rural zone code

This code applies to development where the code is identified as applicable in a table of assessment. Purpose

The purpose of the rural zone code is to: 

  1. ensure the productive capacity of agricultural and associated rural industries that rely on Important Agricultural Areas (IAA) identified as IAA as shown on SPP mapping  –Economic Growth, Agriculture is maximised and maintained while protecting biodiversity values and also allowing for farm diversification and value adding industries to occur in the rural area;
  2. maintain the character and amenity of the rural and natural environment
  3. encourage tourism development where it  can value-add to the viability of rural enterprises, does not diminish biodiversity values and avoids impacts of flooding and bushfire; 
  4. ensure that the stock route network is maintained and protected from development to ensure that the stock route is maintained and protected from inappropriate or incompatible development; and
  5. ensure development protects extractive resources development from reverse amenity impacts resulting from existing and proposed rural uses and; also protects new rural uses from impacts of existing or future extractive industries.
  6. Development does not inhibit the safe and efficient operation of pipelines.

The purpose of the code will be achieved through the following outcomes:

  1. the zone primarily accommodates grazing and value-adding rural uses where they do not conflict with petroleum leases or facilities or stock routes;
  2. new small-scale tourist developments are accommodated where they:
    1. are associated with and do not threaten the viability of existing rural uses; 
    2. assist with maintaining the viability of existing  rural production enterprises; 
    3. support and add to the quality of experiences on the Natural Sciences Loop; and
  3. development is established only where they:
    1. protect extractive resources of local and state significance and operating extractive industry from encroachment by incompatible uses; 
    2. protect established rural uses from the adverse amenity and safety impacts of proposed extractive industry; 
  4. new extractive activities are established only where they do not impact on the viability of existing agricultural, residential and tourist uses;
  5. biodiversity values and ecological connectivity are protected and maintained; 
  6. development is serviced with infrastructure including formal road access, and is appropriate for the level of risk associated with any flood and bushfire hazard;
  7. The land is protected from fragmentation that would result in diminished productivity. Assessment benchmarks: Rural zone code

Performance outcomes Acceptable outcomes
For assessable development


Uses established in the Rural zone do not conflict with existing rural land uses or the natural, scenic and community values of the area.  New uses maintain the long term production values of the land for rural purposes.


No Acceptable Outcome provided.


Uses established in the Rural zone do not conflict with petroleum infrastructure that occurs on petroleum leases or under petroleum facility licences and pipeline licences.


Development is not located within the pipeline easement and land uses must not interfere with pipeline function.
Uses established in the Rural zone do not conflict with the function of stock routes.


No acceptable outcome is provided 


Tourist uses support the primary rural activities on the site are limited in scale and do not to threaten the viability of traditional rural uses.


No Acceptable Outcome provided


New development does not jeopardize existing or potential extractive industry or mining operations.


Residential and other sensitive uses, are not located:

  1. within 200m of extraction of sedimentary deposits; or
  2. within 1000m of hard rock extraction.


Extractive industry is adequately

separated from sensitive uses to

minimise potential for nuisance or



New extractive uses and activities are not established within 1000m of existing rural, residential or tourist uses.


The transportation of extracted resources associated with extractive industry does not compromise rural amenity or adversely impact on sensitive land uses.


New extractive Industry does not involve the transportation of extracted resources along a transport route (excluding the State and major road network identified in Schedule 2) that is within 250m of a building used for sensitive land use.


Development is connected to an appropriate level of infrastructure services.


Development has formal and safe access to the existing road network.



Development is connected to a reticulated water supply and sewerage system, or alternatively an on-site water storage and a waste disposal system is provided which does not overflow to adjoining properties or detract from environmental values.



The development is connected to electricity and telecommunications.

6.2.3 Rural residential zone code

This code applies to development where the code is identified as applicable in a table of assessment. Purpose

The purpose of the code is to provide for:

  1. residential development on large lots set in a pleasant, semi-rural setting, which is connected to MSC’s water supply; and
  2. Small scale activities which support economic development and which remain ancillary to the primary residential use.

The purpose of the zone will be achieved through the following overall outcomes:

  1. the zone primarily accommodates dwelling houses on large lots and ancillary structures including small sheds;
  2. home-based businesses and non-residential uses may be appropriate where they do not detract from the primary residential function and amenity of the area or impact on neighbours; and
  3. development protects and enhances environmental and amenity values. Assessment benchmarks: Rural residential zone code

Performance Outcomes Acceptable outcomes
For assessable development


New development is located and designed to contribute to the residential amenity and character of the area.


No Acceptable Outcome provided.


Non-residential uses do not have an unacceptable impact on residential uses 


Development for a non-residential use does not involve an Environmentally Relevant Activity.



Development for a non-residential use demonstrates there are no adverse impacts on sensitive land uses in the zone with regard to noise, dust, vibration, light, or odour.



Home based businesses operate from within the dwelling house and do not occupy more than a third of the gross floor area of the dwelling house.


The traffic generated by a non-residential use does not significantly increase the traffic that could normally be expected in the locality. 
The traffic generated by a non-residential use does not involve:
  1. more than two truck movements per day;  and 
  2. vehicles with a gross vehicle mass greater than 42 tonnes.

6.2.4 Township zone code

This code applies to development where the code is identified as applicable in a table of assessment. Purpose

The purpose of this code is to:

Provide for the urban development of the towns and villages of the Shire as community and service centres. Development located in this zone provides for a mix of uses which support the needs of the local rural community. The Township zone provisions aim to:

  1. maintain the character and amenity of Charleville, Augathella and Morven;
  2. provide for the continuation of existing infrastructure and community uses such as schools, halls and recreation facilities;
  3. allow for tourist uses where these can be successfully integrated into the character and fabric of the town;
  4. ensure that development provides an appropriate level of infrastructure; and 
  5. facilitate economic development in commercial and industrial precincts by:
    1. promoting re-use of existing buildings in commercial areas; and
    2. providing for a wide range of industrial uses where they don’t conflict with sensitive uses.

The purpose of the code will be achieved through the following outcomes:

  1. a range of uses including residential, retail, business, education, industrial, community purpose, tourist facilities, recreation and open space are supported in the zone where they are located in the appropriate zone precinct (where appropriate) and do not impact on neighbouring uses;
  2. development is serviced with MSC infrastructure where MSC infrastructure exists. 
  3. residential uses are protected from non-residential uses by buffering and design techniques that limit the impacts of non-residential uses; 
  4. development is located in areas that are flood protected and where bushfire hazard risk is low.
  5. Industrial land uses are protected from encroachment by incompatible land uses.

The purpose of the zone will also be achieved through the following additional overall outcomes for particular precincts:

  1. Charleville commercial precinct:
    1. This precinct promotes the commercial, professional, government and retail uses that service the Shire and South West Queensland, which are consolidated in the Charleville central business district.
    2. New developments create a highly attractive and permeable pedestrian-based built form that achieves a high standard of design and blends with the existing town character and streetscape.
    3. New commercial buildings make provision for on-site handling of goods, car parking for staff and clients, landscaping and shade areas in keeping with the existing streetscape.
    4. New business are encouraged to use existing buildings to help keep the commercial precinct vibrant.
  2. Charleville residential precinct:
    1. This precinct supports predominantly dwelling houses on residential lots where lot size is consistent with traditional character. 
    2. Non-residential development may be supported where uses directly support the day to day needs of the immediate residential community, do not detract from the residential amenity of the area, and do not undermine the viability of the nearby Commercial precinct. 
    3. Residential dwelling choices are provided in the zone including dual occupancy, multiple dwelling, and retirement housing.  These are established in locations with appropriate access to infrastructure and facilities, where the design complements the existing urban character, and where the density of development is generally consistent with the density achieved through existing residential development in the zone. 
    4. Development provides a high level of amenity through a compatible mixing of land uses, activities and building forms, access to services and facilities, cohesive streetscapes and quality urban design. 
  3. Charleville Industrial precinct:
    1. This precinct enables the establishment of a wide range of industries in a manner compatible with the scale and character of the area.
    2. Industries are established and consolidated in this precinct to minimise potential conflict with nearby sensitive land uses.
    3. Industries manage impacts to acceptable levels to maintain acceptable levels of amenity to sensitive uses. 
    4. The location of industrial development does not compromise the safety or efficiency of the local and state-controlled road and rail systems.
    5. Non-resident workforce accommodation can be established on green field industrial areas away from sensitive existing uses, where it does not alienate potential industrial land in the long term. Assessment benchmarks: Township zone code

Performance outcomes Acceptable outcomes
For assessable development


Development is consistent with the existing built form in terms of size, design, siting and physical characteristics. The appearance and siting of buildings, other structures, car parking areas or signage is compatible with the local streetscape character, the style and design of nearby buildings, and is respectful and sympathetic to any heritage place identified in the SPP mapping – Environment, Cultural heritage.


No Acceptable Outcome provided.


Development with frontage to a highway must have safe access points that do not adversely impact on the safety and efficiency of the road.


No Acceptable Outcome provided.
Tourist accommodation in the form of a caravan park or motel is provided in locations where serviced with existing infrastructure, and where it:
  1. is complementary to the existing character of the area;
  2. does not have an adverse impact on residential amenity; and 
  3. Contributes to the quality and diversity of accommodation experiences available within the area.


No Acceptable Outcome provided.


Commercial and industrial uses that support and service the residential areas are centrally located where they can be conveniently and safely accessed without having an adverse impact on residential amenity. 


No Acceptable Outcome provided.


Sensitive land uses do not compromise the viability and operation of existing or future industrial, major recreational, extractive, hazardous or intensive animal industries land uses and are not located within close proximity to waste and sewage treatment plants.


No Acceptable Outcome provided.
Charleville commercial precinct


The character of the Commercial precinct is enhanced by the design of new buildings that are sympathetic to traditional streetscapes, in terms of scale, siting, architectural elements such as awnings and building features.


Developments are no higher than 2 storeys or 8 metres above the ground level within the Commercial precinct.



Site cover of buildings does not exceed 85% of the site area.


New buildings maintain and enhance the existing streetscape and relationship with adjoining buildings. 


Footpaths and awnings contribute towards the street frontage, complement adjacent styles and materials, and join at the same or similar levels.


New uses developed in the precinct do not detract from the precinct’s predominant commercial nature.


No Acceptable Outcome provided.
Charleville residential precinct


Buildings and other structures are consistent with the dominant density, type and scale of development in the residential area. 


A building has a maximum height of 2 storeys and 8.5 metres


Dual Occupancy is located on appropriately sized lots to maintain a consistent scale, density and character that is complementary and compatible with the surrounding residential area and avoids impacts on the visual amenity of the streetscape and surrounding area.


Dual Occupancy are located on a site with an area of at least 800m².
Multiple dwellings and retirement facility is of a scale, density and character that is complementary and compatible with the surrounding residential area.


Multiple dwellings are located on lots with a minimum area of 1000m2.
The number of dwellings contained in a multiple dwelling and/or retirement facility is calculated as follows: 
  1. One bedroom units per 350 m² of site area; and
  2. Units comprising more than one bedroom per 400 m² of site area. 


Where adjoining a residential use, non-residential uses are located and designed to avoid impacts on existing levels of residential amenity including privacy, safety, noise, dust, vibration,  odour and fumes, lighting and traffic generation. 


No Acceptable Outcome provided.  
Non-residential uses protect and maintain the privacy of adjoining residential uses.


Non-residential uses are designed and oriented to avoid overlooking of habitable room windows or private outdoor recreation areas of any adjoining residential use.  Screening is provided where any direct views are available.


Non-residential uses are compatible with, and complementary to, the existing residential uses and does not impact on residential amenity. 
A non-residential use does not involve an Environmentally Relevant Activity.
Charleville Industrial recinct


Industrial development does not result in sensitive land uses located outside of the industrial precinct being affected by industrial air, noise and odour emissions.


No Acceptable Outcome provided.


Uses, other than industrial uses, such as food and drink outlets are consistent with and make a positive contribution to the economy and character of the industrial precinct, and do not detract from the Township Zone (Charleville commercial precinct) as being the primary location for commercial development. 
No Acceptable Outcome provided.
Sensitive land uses (other than Caretaker’s accommodation) are not established within or adjacent to the industrial precinct. 
No Acceptable Outcome provided.


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